Rex Zou Zōu Jí Rén 邹及人 , a professional architectural photographer from Shanghai, has used his unique and subtle lens language to add an air of grandeur and substance to many of China’s completed commercial projects. With a background in architecture and design spanning nearly 15 years, he brings the beauty of architecture and structure to life in his photographs by blending architectural interpretation with the glamour of renderings.
architecture This includes all large-scale buildings, TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) projects, public structures, and intricate small-scale architecture. All of these were photographed by us and were commissioned assignments. hospitality We have taken numerous official photos for Marriott and Hyatt hotels, covering various regions in China. Additionally, we have captured lifestyle photos for the hotels to enhance their everyday ambiance. interior and retail We have photographed some very small indoor spaces, which are exquisitely designed. We have enhanced the ambiance of these spaces using excellent lighting and visual techniques. artwork and installation We have conducted numerous photo shoots for urban renewal projects, and artworks and installation art are also important components for us. Documenting for under construction We not only undertake commissioned photography for completed projects but also document projects under construction. We periodically update the progress of key projects in important cities. episode of master Everyone has architects they admire, whose architectural designs are spread across the globe. As architectural photographers, being able to capture, organize, and share their work is a tribute to these architectural masters.